Evaluation: Specific Information 
  • The evaluation must be considered as Continuous Evaluation and must be solved during the academic period.
    Marks will be quantitative between 0 and 10. The mark should be presented with one decimal.

    The minimum grade required to pass each learning activity is 5.
    Class attendance is recommended in all cases. Also for those students who have opted for Exam Only Assessment System. Check cases in which is mandatory.

Continuous evaluation
Sequence Name of the educational activity Activity description Workgroups or
Individual work
% on the note.
Max. of 60% for each activity
1 Lectures

Crisis typologies: causes and effects

Individual work Yes 10%
2 Presentation

Case studies

Workgroups Yes 20%
3 Work in teams

Organization spokesman and the mass media coverage
Crisis cabinet: roles and responsibilities

Workgroups Yes 20%
4 Simulation

Crisis simulation 

Workgroups Yes 10%
5 Implementation activities

Processes by which an organization manages the wider impact of business continuity.
Activity 1.- Crisis Simulation
Activity 2.- Team roles and responsibility
Activity 3.- Exercises throughout to highlight key points 

Individual work Yes 40%