Name of the workshop Transmedia storytelling Teaching format B
Workshop teacher Dra. A. Tous Recommended prior knowledge --- Timetable Unique
General description of workshop The main purpose of this workshop is to know and analyse the strategies and tools used by the different websites worldwide to widen their products. Reproduction and study of the Transmedia Storytelling of the TV series, especially of the interactivity and the tools used to get interactivity (mashup, fan-fiction, etc.).
Language English Tipus OB
Technical requirements   At the room: Computers/Internet connection/Projector
To be provided by the student: Netbook or tablet computer
Format Scheduled during the 2nd semester.


Date of proposal: 04/07/2012
Date of last update: 13/06/2013
Date of validation by the School Academic Committee: 18/06/2013

Workshop Program

Subject 1.-Transmedia Storytelling
Subject 2.- Convergence Culture

Both Subject 1 and Subject 2 set the main sources to study TV series websites. Students must focus on these two main concepts, Transmedia Storytelling and Convergence Culture, in order to know which is the storytelling in the digital and industrial context, as well as its relationship with seriality and digital technologies. These are the two main subjects used by scholars, as bibliography sources will show.


This workshop has an eminently practical character.
Go to “EVALUATION” to fill in the detail of each one of the Educational Activity.

Competences associated to the Workshop
C1 Ethical commitment.
C2 Learning and responsibility ability.
C3 Work in teams.
C4 Creative and enterprising ability.
C6 Theoretical and practical knowledge about advertising and PR so as about their processes and organizational structures.
C7 Knowledge about design and development of strategies and implementation of persuasive communication policies to the public and private companies or institutions.
C12 Knowledge about the management of the functional areas of communication.
C13 Ability to exercise as professionals in charge of the customer support in advertising and PR.

Workshop General Objectives OGT associated to each one of the competences
(OGT) C1 C2 C3  C4  C6  C7   C12 C13
OG1.- The student will learn how to apply theory into practice in PR field of study.   X X   X   X  
OG2.- He or she will learn to study several ways to improve communication strategies via the internet.       X   X   X
OG3.- The student will manage convergence culture in order to communicate persuasive and effective messages. X   X     X    
OG4.-He or  she will understand and use the several kinds of convergence culture (fiction, non-fiction).    X   X X      


Specific objectives of each block
Blocks Objectives to each block of the program SO related to each one GO
OG1 OG2 OG3  OG4
1 OE1.- The student will domain the most relevant concepts related to this area: transmedia storytelling, convergence culture, active audience, intertextuality and hypertextuality. X     X
2 OE6.- He or she will know how to differentiate new and old strategies related to transmedia communication and learn how to use them to improve communication.   X    
OE7.- The student will have specific abilities related to the latest website tools to construct transmedia sstorytelling.     X  
OE8.- He or she will get specific abilities related to analyse enterprise's strategies to improve interactivity and the active audience rol.     X

Read Glossary types of educational activities (according to the UB description)
Total summary of formative activities
Types of educational activities Total Hours at Classroom (with teacher) Hours of personal work ECTS credits
A) Theory 50 18 32 2
B) Theory-practice
C) Tutee work
D) Autonomous work

General sources of the workshop (also online)

Jenkins, H. Convergence Culture. Where Old and New Media Collide. New York: New York University Press, 2006. ISBN 8-0814742952.
Jenkins, H. Fans, bloggers and gamers. Exploring participatory culture. New York and London: New York University Press, 2006. ISBN 978-0814742846.
Jenkins, H. “The Cultural Logics of Media Convergence”. En: International Journal of Cultural Studies, v. 7, n. 1, 2004 pp 33-43
Ibrus, Indrek, Scolari, Carlos (eds.) Crossmedia Innovation. Texts, markets, institutions, Peter
Lang, 2013
Scolari, Carlos. Narrativas Transmedia. Cuando todos los medios cuentan, Deusto 2013.
Scolari, C.A. “Transmedia Storytelling: Implicit Consumers, Narrative Worlds, and Branding in Contemporary Media Production”, International Journal of Communication, Vol 3 (2009).
Perryman, Neil. “Doctor Who and the convergence of media”. En: Convergence. The International Journal on Research into New Media Technologies, v. 14, n. 1, pp. 21-39.
Ulmer, Gregory. “text/hypertext”. En Ritzer, George (ed.). Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. London: Blackwell, 2007, pp. 4971-4. ISBN 9781405165518.
Tous-Rovirosa, Anna. “Convergence Content in International On-Line News: Thematic and mythical recurrence in The New York Times and BBC On-Line News”. Observatorio (Obs*), Vol 6, No 3 (2012)
Tous-Rovirosa, Anna. “Cuidando de nuestros padres”, La Vanguardia. 22-08-2011

Evaluation: Specific Information 
  • The evaluation must be considered as Continuous Evaluation and must be solved during the academic period.
    Marks will be quantitative between 0 and 10. The mark should be presented with one decimal.
Continuous evaluation
Sequence Name of the educational activity Activity description Workgroups or
Individual work
% on the note.
Max. of 60% for each activity
1 Exhibitions

a) Students must compulsory present orally a subject or paper, previously prepared, in front of the rest of students. Presentations will be linked to the practical activities: students must present an analysis of some websites’ tools to increment communication and interactivity.
b) Students must compulsory present their point of view to one of the selected lectures. Lectures will be assigned at the very beginning of the workshop.
c) Exhibitions must be realized in groups.

Group Yes 20%
2 Lessons attendance

Students are expected to attend minimum the 80% of the lessons and to take an active part in the discussions, exhibitions, etc.

Individual Yes 10%
3 Practical activities

Activity 1.-Product Placement
Students must choose several websites and analyse them in relation to the concepts studied in Block 1. The main purpose is to use and determine which are the strategies used by the enterprises and which relation do they have with fan-fiction.

Activity 2.-Fans and Interactivity
Students must get familiar with fans strategies. Students must be aware of tools such as mashup, fan-fiction and shipping in order to understand fans’ narratives. Other important concepts such as fandom, spoiler or intertextuality will be studied in this block.

Group Yes 40%
4 Exam

The exam will evaluate the most relevant theorical and practical questions of the workshop and will take place at the end. Students will have to explain some of the subject’s most important ideas and concepts.

Individual Yes 30%

Teacher notes
Aula Virtual (Moodle)