Evaluation: Specific Information 
  • The evaluation must be considered as Continuous Evaluation and must be solved during the academic period.
    Marks will be quantitative between 0 and 10. The mark should be presented with one decimal.
Continuous evaluation
Sequence Name of the educational activity Activity description Workgroups or
Individual work
% on the note.
Max. of 60% for each activity
1 Lectures

Crisis typologies: causes and effects

Individual work Yes 10%
2 Presentation

Case studies

Workgroups Yes 20%
3 Work in teams

Organization spokesman and the mass media coverage
Crisis cabinet: roles and responsibilities

Workgroups Yes 20%
4 Simulation

Crisis simulation 

Workgroups Yes 10%
5 Implementation activities

Processes by which an organization manages the wider impact of business continuity.
Activity 1.- Crisis Simulation
Activity 2.- Team roles and responsibility
Activity 3.- Exercises throughout to highlight key points 

Individual work Yes 40%