General course organization and Methodology
The Subject is organised in 2 blocks: Writing for Public Relations and Writing for Marketing and Advertising, which is divided into 4 specific themes. Each theme develops a specific lexical points, for example types of typical texts of the correct register are studied and the techniques necessary to be able to write texts in the relevant styles. Apaaty from this there are related themes, such as street and guerrilla marketing. These areas will also address the typical problems that emerge from English grammar, such as the correct structure of a sentence, ortografph or “false friends” (“Back to basics”).

Even though the subject is focussed on written English, the course also icludes activites that activate speaking, reading, and listen, related to each theme covered in the course. It is recommended that students atatend the sessions.

While the principle objective of the course is focused on written English, in the second hour of class other activities will address other areas of English language learning and vocabulary of the topic related to the content of the course, like, as an example: going viral, cool brands, qualities of a PR professional, jobs in PR/advertising, product placement and endorsement, stereotyping, offensive advertising, Corporate Social Reponsibility, misleading advertising, crisis management, successful PR and advertising campaigns.