Read Assessment: General Information about the Degree
Course-specific assessment system information
  • Check the end of assessment period and academic management calendar.
  • Plagiarism and/or the copying of assessed activities will result in the assessed work in question receiving a 'fail' mark and may lead to the student/s concerned failing the course. The School may also decide to take disciplinary measures. Anti-plagiarism programmes will be used and if this is detected in 20% or more of the material the final grade will be zero.
  • Marks will be given for correct grammar and spelling, style and appropriateness of message. 
  • Work handed in late or in formats other than stated for assessment purposes will not be accepted, and no alternative work will be accepted to pass the course.
  • Class attendance is recommended in all cases, also for students who have opted for the single assessment system. Check cases in which it is mandatory.
  • All learning activities are graded from 0-10.
  • The minimum grade required to pass each learning activity is 5.
  • To receive the grade of "Matricula d'honor", the student must achieve an overall grade of 10, and, according to the regulations, the number of Honours Grades can not exceed 5% of the total number of students registered in the subject.
Continuous Assessment System
Requirements: unless they indicate to the contrary, all students will be assessed under this system.
Block Name of Learning Activity Detailed description of Learning Activity Group or Individual Compulsory
% of mark
1 1 Creating a promotional text Promoting a bar or restaurant. Individual YES 10%
2 1 Creating body copy for a print advertisement Inventing original copy for an existing advertisement. Individual YES 10%
3 1 Creating advertising slogans and taglines Inventing original slogans and taglines for an existing advertisement. Individual YES 10% 
1 Creating a business email Writing an email to a colleague in another company. Individual YES 20%
5 1 Creating a feature article

Writing an article about a brand of your choice.

Individual YES 25%
6 1 Creating a press release

Writing a press release to inform the media about the opening of a new hotel.

Individual YES 25%


Retake under the Continuous Assessment System
Name of Learning Activity Detailed description of Learning Activity % of grade
Written task

Creating 2 texts from among the registers studied, to be chosen by the lecturer. These must be submitted before the retake date.



Exam Only Assessment System
Requirements: students wishing to be assessed under the exam only system must submit a formal application within the time frame and in the format set out in the academic calendar.
Sequence Name of Learning Activity Detailed description of Learning Activity % of grade
1 Writing tasks

Creating 6 texts of different styles from the types studied, as with the continuous assessment system. The texts must be submitted 2 weeks before the exam date.



Retake under the Exam Only Assessment System
Name of Learning Activity Detailed description of Learning Activity % of grade
Writing tasks

Creating 2 texts from among the registers studied, to be chosen by the lecturer. These must be submitted before the retake date.
