Formulari d'accés

Read Assessment: General Information about the Degree
Course-specific assessment system information
    • Check the end of assessment period and academic management calendar.
    • Plagiarism and/or the copying of assessed activities will result in the assessed work in question receiving a 'fail' mark and may lead to the student/s concerned failing the course. The School may also decide to take disciplinary measures.

      • Work handed in late or in formats other than stated for assessment purposes will not be accepted, neither will any alternative work be accepted to pass the course.
        • Class attendance is recommended in all cases, also for students who have opted for the Exam Only Assessment System. Check cases in which it is mandatory.
  • All learning activities are graded from 0-10.
  • The minimum grade required to pass each learning activity is 5.
Continuous Assessment System
Requirements: unless they indicate to the contrary, all students will be assessed under this system.
Block Name of Learning Activity Detailed description of Learning Activity Group or Individual Compulsory
% of mark
1 1-2 Practical 

Video activity 1. Roleplay of a business meeting, related to a relevant professional topic, filmed and handed in on a USB or CD. (25% of final mark).

Video activity 2. A team presentation related to a relevant professional topic, filmed and handed in on a USB or CD. (25% of final mark).

Although students are given individual marks, there will be a group element for questions of organisation, effort and relevance of topic for both activities.

Constructive participation in class (10% of final mark)

Group (3-4 people) YES 50%
2 1-2 Exam

Oral exam. A short discussion (4-6 minutes) about an aspect of advertising or PR discussed in class, chosen, moderated and recorded by the lecturer.

Group (2 people) YES 50%


Retake under the Continuous Assessment System
Requirements: students with final grades between 4.5 and 5 out of 10 qualify for the retake. The maximum final mark will be 5.

Name of Learning Activity Detailed description of Learning Activity % of grade
Practical activities: Presentation A short presentation (4-5 minutes) in person on a topic chosen by the student and related to advertising / PR. 100%


Exam Only Assessment System
Requirements: students wishing to be assessed under the exam only system must submit a formal application within the time frame and in the format set out in the academic calendar.
Sequence Name of Learning Activity Detailed description of Learning Activity % of grade


Practical activities: Video activity, presentation

A 5-minute presentation (the topic is to be chosen by the student and related to advertising / PR) using the techniques studied, filmed and given to the lecturer on a CD before the last day of the course.



Oral exam

As for continuous assessment.



Retake under the Exam Only Assessment System
Requirements: students with final grades between 4.5 and 5 out of 10 qualify for the retake. The maximum final mark will be 5.
Nom activitat formativa Descripció detallada de l'activitat formativa % of grade
Practical activities: Presentation

As for continuous assessment.
