Formulari d'accés

Workshop General Objectives OGT associated to each one of the competences
(OGT) C1 C2 C3  C4  C6  C7   C12 C13
OG1. - The student will learn the role of Graphic Design in communicating. X X   X X X X  
OG2. - The student will know the background of a campaign and the ideas that underpin it. X X   X X X X  
OG3. – The student will learn to put themselves in the shoes of the client to sell himself/herself to him/her. X   X X   X X X
OG4. – The student will put to practice the lectures/theoretical contextualisation. X   X X   X X X


Specific objectives / Learning outcomes
Blocks  Objectives to each block of the program SO related to each one GO
OG1 OG2 OG3  OG4
1 OE1. - The student will differentiate between creativity as an added value to sell products and as a value in itself. And also, in a marketplace in constant change with technological advances to reach out to the consumer, the classes will emphasise the importance of opening new channels of communication as well as new ways of self-promotion will be highlighted. X  X    
OE2. - The student will know within the lectures the importance of the key elements of Graphic Design, such as the form and format, media, line, texture, color, rhythm and the balance or proportion, as well the increasingly expansive and multidisciplinary work of the Art Director/Copywriter. X  X    
OE3. - The student will understand the importance of deciphering and analysing errors and correcting them with limited resources.     X  X
OE4. - The student will understand the importance of thinking how to self-promote themselves.     X  X