Read Assessment: General Information about the Degree
Course-specific assessment system information
All learning activities are graded from 0-10.
The minimum grade required to pass each learning activity is 5.
Check the end of assessment period and academic management calendar.
Class attendance is recommended in all cases. Also for those students who have opted for Exam Only Assessment System. Check cases in which is mandatory.
Continuous Assessment System
Requirements: unless they indicate to the contrary, all students will be assessed under this system.
Block Name of Learning Activity Detailed description of Learning Activity Group or Individual Compulsory
% of mark
1 1-2 Activitats d'aplicació - Redacció d'un text del Bloc 1, a triar per la docent. Individual. 25% de la nota final.
- Redacció d'un text del Bloc 2, a triar per la docent. Grupal. 25% de la nota final.
- Resumen d'una notícia o tema de actualitat, a triar pels estudiants. Bloc 1 i 2. Grupal. 10% de la nota final.
Group Yes 60%
2 1-2 Examen escrit

Un exercici de lèxic; l’anàlisi d’un anunci de premsa o un exercici de comprensió de lectura; la redacció d’un text d’entre els estudiats.

Individual Yes 40%


Retake under the Continuous Assessment System
Requirements: students with final grades between 4.5 and 5 out of 10 qualify for the retake.

Name of Learning Activity Detailed description of Learning Activity % of grade
Written paper Producing a text from among those studied (chosen by the lecturer); to be given in on the day of the exam. 40%
Written exam Producing 2 texts from among those previously studied.
Grades will be awarded for the quality of the work (register, creativity, presentation) as well as for the level of English.


Exam Only Assessment System
Requirements: students wishing to be assessed under the exam only system must submit a formal application within the time frame and in the format set out in the academic calendar.
Sequence Name of Learning Activity Detailed description of Learning Activity % of grade
1 Written exam

Producing 2 texts from among the registers studied, to be chosen by the lecturer: a text promoting a product or service / a press advert / a feature article / a blog post / an advertorial.

Completing a vocabulary exercise.
Grades will be awarded for the quality of the work (register, creativity, presentation) as well as for the level of English.






Retake under the Exam Only Assessment System
Requirements: students with final grades between 4.5 and 5 out of 10 qualify for the retake.
Nom activitat formativa Descripció detallada de l'activitat formativa % of grade
Written exam

Producing 2 texts from among those studied chosen by the lecturer.
Completing a vocabulary exercise.
