Read Assessment: General Information about the Degree
Course-specific assessment system information
All learning activities are graded from 0-10.
The minimum grade required to pass each learning activity is 5 out of 10.
Check the end of assessment period and academic management calendar.
Continuous Assessment System
Requirements: unless they indicate to the contrary, all students will be assessed under this system.
Block Name of Learning Activity Detailed description of Learning Activity Group or Individual Compulsory
% of mark
1 1-2 Practical 

Role-play of a business meeting, recorded on a CD or memory stick

A team presentation U, recorded on a CD or memory stick Grade will be awarded on the basis of the quality of the presentation and the attention paid to register, as well as the level of English.

Group Yes 60%
2 1-2 Exam

Written exam containing vocabulary and language structure exercises; an exercise based on a text about a topic previously studied; analysis of  the partial or full transcript of a presentation.

Individual Yes 40%


Retake under the Continuous Assessment System
Requirements: students with final grades between 4.5 and 5 out of 10 qualify for the retake.

Name of Learning Activity Detailed description of Learning Activity % of grade
Presentation A short presentation on a topic chosen by the student and related to advertising / PR. The presentation is to be given on the day of the exam and will be recorded by the lecturer. 100%


Exam Only Assessment System
Requirements: students wishing to be assessed under the exam only system must submit a formal application within the time frame and in the format set out in the academic calendar.
Sequence Name of Learning Activity Detailed description of Learning Activity % of grade




Written exam or paper

A 3-minute presentation (the topic is to be chosen by the student and related to advertising / PR) using the techniques studied. 

The presentation is to be recorded and given to the lecturer on the day of the written exam.

Written exam: grammatical concepts, language functions and lexis; writing the script of a presentation on a topic related to advertising / PR chosen by the lecturer The grade will be awarded in function of the of use of the correct register as well as the standard of English.






Retake under the Exam Only Assessment System
Requirements: students with final grades between 4.5 and 5 out of 10 qualify for the retake.
Nom activitat formativa Descripció detallada de l'activitat formativa % of grade

A short presentation on a topic chosen by the student and related to advertising / PR. The presentation is to be given on the day of the exam and will be recorded by the lecturer.
